Archive for October, 2009

A Pastor with Guts-(At the Opening Session of the US Senate)

October 30, 2009
— On Fri, 30/10/09, vagula_m . <> wrote:

From: vagula_m . <>
Subject: Fwd: FW: A Pastor with Guts-(At the Opening Session of the US Senate)
To: “” <>
Date: Friday, 30 October, 2009, 11:58 AM

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From: Althea Gear <>
Date: Oct 27, 2009 7:29 PM
Subject: FW: A Pastor with Guts-(At the Opening Session of the US Senate)

This is absolutely great ! ! ! pass it on……

Be the change you wish to see in the world … Gandhi

Subject: A Pastor with Guts

This took Guts (although it shouldn’t have)

There might be hope yet!


A Pastor with GUTS!

Thought you might enjoy this interesting
prayer given in Kansas at
the opening session of their Senate. It seems

prayer still upsets some
people.. When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open

the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is

what they heard:
*Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask
your forgiveness and to seek your direction and
guidance. We know Your Word says, ‘Woe to those
who call evil good,’ but that is exactly what we
have done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed
our values.

We have exploited the poor and called it
the lottery.

We have rewarded laziness and called it
We have killed our unborn and called it

We have shot abortionists and called it

We have neglected to discipline our
children and called it building self esteem..

We have abused power and called it

We have coveted our neighbor’s possessions
and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and
pornography and called it freedom of expression.

We have ridiculed the time-honored values
of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts
today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
Amen! ****

The response was immediate. A number of
legislators walked out during the prayer in
protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian
Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than
5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls
responding negatively. The church is now receiving
international requests for copies of this prayer
from India , Africa and Korea .

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on
his radio program, ‘The Rest of the Story,’and
received a larger response to this program than any
other he has ever aired.

With the Lord’s help, may this prayer sweep
over our nation and wholeheartedly become our
desire so that we again can be called ‘one nation
under God.’

If possible, please pass this prayer on to
your friends. ‘If you don’t stand for something,
you will fall for everything.’

Think about this: If you forward this
prayer to everyone on your
e-mail list, in less than 30 days it would be
heard by the world.

How many people in your address book will
not receive this prayer… you have the guts to pass it on?

October 29, 2009



Acts 22:12

 “The God of our fathers has chosen you to know His will  and to see the Righteous One  and to hear Words from His mouth.”



Eve was no match for  Satan 


As we have seen yesterday Eve was not well equipped with the word of God and hence she was a poor match for Satan.


The more we know about the good qualities and love of a person we  trust  that person more and have more faith in that person’s words. Similarly the less we know a person the less trust and faith we have in the person’s words.


Since God is spirit,we cannot see him. We know about his goodness and his love  only through his words. Of course in history he manifested himself in flesh as Jesus Christ. Even today we know God only through his words once spoken to the prophets and as narrated by the Gospel writers. All of these spoken words of God have been faithfully  recorded in the Bible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


In Acts 22:12 quoted above the word of God declares that “God has chosen us to know His will.” Knowing God’s will means  reading God’s mind and knowing the desires of His heart. For this purpose God has promised that He would enable us “to hear words from His mouth”,  as contained in the bible. His loving intention, was to make us see the Righteous One. The expression seeing the Righteous One means, intimately experiencing the love and bliss of God in our  hearts and in our spirit. Now, the intensity of this blissful God experience is in proportion to the level of our faith in God. What a great privilege and blessing God has given us. However the extant of this privilege and blessing is only to the extant as to how well we  know , understand and obey  the word of God.

Therefore love for God, would want us  to know more of God’s words and this in turn builds up our faith level gradually. The less we know about God and God’s words to that extent our faith level is reduced. Therefore God wants and expects us to know Him more deeply  by knowing His Word thoroughly so that strengthened by a strong faith and trust in him we can withstand temptations and troubles in life.

 Eve could not withstand the Devil because her faith and trust in God was rendered weak by her insufficient  knowledge and understanding of the words spoken by God. When we reverence and respect God as He deserves we will carry his exact words in our heart. We will not add to it or subtract from it. Eve did this, and from this we know that she did not respect or reverence God properly. Let us once again recall the conversations :-


God’s command


 Gen.2:16 “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;”


 Gen.2:17 “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of  

                   good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely



Satan quizzes Eve


 Gen.3:1  “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in

                  The garden ?”


Eve’s reply to Satan


 Gen. 3:2  “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,


  Gen.3:3    but God did say, ’You must not eat fruit from the tree

                   that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not

                    touch it, or you will die”





Satan’s reply to Eve


Gen. 3:4   “You will not surely die”

         3:5   “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will

                   be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and



God’s observation after the sin of Adam


 Gen. 3:22   “The man has become like one us, knowing good and





  1. 1.    Satan confirms the immediate result of sin and makes it sound like a thrilling experience ! (See the yellow portion of the texts ) True, man becomes like God in a way, but he will have to die spiritually and physically. Then we are not really like God in the true sense.

God does not disclose this to Adam, because this was a sinful and a needless experience with disastrous results. God informed that man would ultimately die if he disobeyed. God never wanted man to die.


Satan speaks the truth,but his intention is bad. Eve is carried away by the pleasure of sin and the exalted status of becoming like God.Her desire for God vanished and now she was consumed by the sinful and selfish desire to become like God.Her mind became fuzzy.


  1. 2.    Satan directly contradicts God regarding the ultimate consequence of sin, that is, death of body and soul. (See the red portions of the text) Satan removed the fear of the punishment of sin from Eve’s mind. So with the punishment removed ,sin became extremely attractive and desirable. So Eve chose to believe Satan.
  2. 3.    Satan rephrases (See the shaded blue portion of the texts) God’s command in Gen.2:16 into a negative question stating to mean ‘Did God being God, really say such a thing in order to deceive you? What he was hinting that God being what He is should not lie. He plants the seed of doubt in Eve’s mind. He flatly contradicts God that death of body and soul would not follow by eating the fruit. May be, he also implied that even by touching it one does not die,  as wrongly stated by Eve, since satan’s denial of punishment in Gen.3:4 is in reply to Eve’s statement in Gen.3:3 . Eve added her own words to God’s word and moreover Eve did not describe the tree in the way as God described it as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but simply located the tree in the middle of the garden. (See the gray shaded portion ). One more thing, Eve did not emphasise the word death  but quoted God  as only  saying “you will die” when God had actually said and meant “you will surely die” meaning double death, of body and soul .(See the red shaded portions). All this shows that Eve was not really serious about God’s commandment and hence had no proper reverence for God.


 Satan cleverly exploited the situation by first planting doubt in Eve’s mind, then questioning the motive of God and trying to make God out to be a liar, kindling a sinful desire in Eve to become like God, denying punishment of death for sin, and making sin attractive and achievable, and finally succeeded in deceiving Eve into disbelieving God and believing in satan.Now Eve was only looking forward to eat the fruit and cared two hoots for God and God’s Word!



We shall see tomorrow, what made Eve to take the final plunge to eat the fruit !


Lesson for  Today


Satan is powerful, we should not underestimate him.But in Christ we can defeat satan by the power of the Word and by the grace and assistance of God. We need not fear because Christ has won for us the victory over Satan  , sin and death on the Cross. Praise God !




Lord God give us the grace and your assistance to be ever watchful and alert, lest satan surprise us. Strenghten us in prayer and sacraments and by your Holy Word to lead a life entirely pleasing to you. Help  us to know your will for us and live accordingly and never to be separated from you. Teach us your word and lead us deeper and deeper into infinite love.

In Jesus’ name we pray.Amen              God Bless !

October 29, 2009


                    The Final Act of  Sin


2 Chron.9:2 “Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was too hard for him to explain to her.”

King Solomon was blessed by God with great wisdom and  knowledge because he feared the Lord and sought after Him.


Psalm 115:13 “He will bless those who fear the Lord – small and great alike.”

The Bible says in  another place that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Eve did not fear or reverence God. We can reverence somebody only when we love that person. God never forces anybody to either reverence him or love him. This is to come freely and willingly from the heart, only then this will be true love and true reverence. I think this is what even we expect from others who love us.

But then why did Adam and Eve eat the fruit ? It was because of their desire to become like god. There was nothing wrong in their desire, because God himself had already created them in His likeness  and they were already like god but without the knowledge of good and evil.

They did not believe God but chose to believe in the lie of Satan when he said that they were not yet like god, but will become like god after they eat the fruit..Gen 3:4 “and you will be like god, knowing good and evil.”  But they were already like god.


  Knowing good and evil,  was not necessary in God’s scheme of things for man. But after eating the fruit they came into the knowledge of good and evil, which for man  meant, suffering, injustice and death and God had clearly foretold about this to Adam and Eve.

Maybe Adam and Eve desired to have the knowledge of good and evil without having to suffer death. And it was here Satan conveniently lied to them that they will “not surely die” by eating the fruit. In pursuit of their desire they chose to believe in one more lie,  because they thought that there is no punishment for sin.

God had created man with the wonderful capacity to ‘desire’.It is because of this quality there is so much of progress in all fields.

 Is it not, only because of this ‘desire’,  we wish to know and experience God ? So there is nothing wrong in desire as such. God fulfilled all of man’s desire to the minutest detail. When God created every good thing for Adam and found that he still lacked something, the Bible says in Gen. 2:22 that God made a beautiful Eve and brought her to Adam and Adam was delighted. God knows our every desire and He also knows which desires are good and wholesome for us because He loves us. We do not know with our limited intelligence and knowledge which desires are good and wholesome for us. And only God can fulfill all of our desires.

Now let us turn to Gen.3:6 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”


Eve has lost faith in God, and emboldened by Satan’s false promise that there is no punishment for sin, she lifts up her eyes and focuses her attention on the fruit which has become attractive and tantalizing. She now uses her own sense knowledge and human judgement and rationalizes that the fruit will fulfill her physical desire of hunger,satisfy her sensual desires of the body, and fulfill her god-like desires of worldly and spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Since the fruit would satisfy all her desires ,she can become independent of God her creator. Thus she rejects God and proceeds to break the commandment of God. Their inappropriate desires and also their rebellious desire not to be under the control of God, drove Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and sin against God. God gave them complete freedom in the choice of their desires but warned them about the consequences of wrongful desire.


Adam and Eve relied on their own senses, intelligence and judgement, having been misled by satan, to doubt God’s Word about which they were casual, and by a weakened  faith, they finally disbelieved God,in their desire to gain the wrong type of knowledge,and chose to rebel against God by breaking His commandment and thus incurred on themselves suffering, injustice and death.

The punishment for sin was automatically tied to God’s commandment as a deterrent to sin, and this cannot be undone , even if God so desires.If it can be so undone then the commandment loses its validity and God’s ‘justice’ is derailed.

God wishes to be ‘merciful’ and also ‘just’ and that is the reason why Jesus Christ our God-man took upon himself our punishment for sin on the cross, and thus fulfilled the requirements of the commandment of God (Law) and freed all those who believe in Him from the curse of suffering and eternal death stipulated in the Law of God.


Lesson for Today.

We should always align our desires to the desires of God. This means knowing God’s will for us and living in tandem with God’s will in order to please God. Then God is pleased to shower his choicest blessings and fulfills all our desires. We know God’s Will only If we know God’s Word and act in faith. Adam and Eve did not know God’s will correctly and so did not act in faith.


Jesus Christ knew Gods will and faithfully obeyed God’s will.


Let us always lean on God and humbly walk with Him in love.



Almighty and eternal Father , we worship and praise you, for your mercy and justice. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and enlighten our minds, to read carefully and understand the Holy Scriptures, so that we may discern your loving will and perform them faithfully.

Be pleased Lord God to shower all your choicest blessings upon us as we trust in your word ‘that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name

you will grant us without fail’.

We promise to act in faith and claim all your promises.

In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray.  Amen.


Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to others!

October 29, 2009


                    The Final Act of  Sin


2 Chron.9:2 “Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was too hard for him to explain to her.”

King Solomon was blessed by God with great wisdom and  knowledge because he feared the Lord and sought after Him.


Psalm 115:13 “He will bless those who fear the Lord – small and great alike.”

The Bible says in  another place that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Eve did not fear or reverence God. We can reverence somebody only when we love that person. God never forces anybody to either reverence him or love him. This is to come freely and willingly from the heart, only then this will be true love and true reverence. I think this is what even we expect from others who love us.

But then why did Adam and Eve eat the fruit ? It was because of their desire to become like god. There was nothing wrong in their desire, because God himself had already created them in His likeness  and they were already like god but without the knowledge of good and evil.

They did not believe God but chose to believe in the lie of Satan when he said that they were not yet like god, but will become like god after they eat the fruit..Gen 3:4 “and you will be like god, knowing good and evil.”  But they were already like god.


  Knowing good and evil,  was not necessary in God’s scheme of things for man. But after eating the fruit they came into the knowledge of good and evil, which for man  meant, suffering, injustice and death and God had clearly foretold about this to Adam and Eve.

Maybe Adam and Eve desired to have the knowledge of good and evil without having to suffer death. And it was here Satan conveniently lied to them that they will “not surely die” by eating the fruit. In pursuit of their desire they chose to believe in one more lie,  because they thought that there is no punishment for sin.

God had created man with the wonderful capacity to ‘desire’.It is because of this quality there is so much of progress in all fields.

 Is it not, only because of this ‘desire’,  we wish to know and experience God ? So there is nothing wrong in desire as such. God fulfilled all of man’s desire to the minutest detail. When God created every good thing for Adam and found that he still lacked something, the Bible says in Gen. 2:22 that God made a beautiful Eve and brought her to Adam and Adam was delighted. God knows our every desire and He also knows which desires are good and wholesome for us because He loves us. We do not know with our limited intelligence and knowledge which desires are good and wholesome for us. And only God can fulfill all of our desires.

Now let us turn to Gen.3:6 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”


Eve has lost faith in God, and emboldened by Satan’s false promise that there is no punishment for sin, she lifts up her eyes and focuses her attention on the fruit which has become attractive and tantalizing. She now uses her own sense knowledge and human judgement and rationalizes that the fruit will fulfill her physical desire of hunger,satisfy her sensual desires of the body, and fulfill her god-like desires of worldly and spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Since the fruit would satisfy all her desires ,she can become independent of God her creator. Thus she rejects God and proceeds to break the commandment of God. Their inappropriate desires and also their rebellious desire not to be under the control of God, drove Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and sin against God. God gave them complete freedom in the choice of their desires but warned them about the consequences of wrongful desire.


Adam and Eve relied on their own senses, intelligence and judgement, having been misled by satan, to doubt God’s Word about which they were casual, and by a weakened  faith, they finally disbelieved God,in their desire to gain the wrong type of knowledge,and chose to rebel against God by breaking His commandment and thus incurred on themselves suffering, injustice and death.

The punishment for sin was automatically tied to God’s commandment as a deterrent to sin, and this cannot be undone , even if God so desires.If it can be so undone then the commandment loses its validity and God’s ‘justice’ is derailed.

God wishes to be ‘merciful’ and also ‘just’ and that is the reason why Jesus Christ our God-man took upon himself our punishment for sin on the cross, and thus fulfilled the requirements of the commandment of God (Law) and freed all those who believe in Him from the curse of suffering and eternal death stipulated in the Law of God.


Lesson for Today.

We should always align our desires to the desires of God. This means knowing God’s will for us and living in tandem with God’s will in order to please God. Then God is pleased to shower his choicest blessings and fulfills all our desires. We know God’s Will only If we know God’s Word and act in faith. Adam and Eve did not know God’s will correctly and so did not act in faith.


Jesus Christ knew Gods will and faithfully obeyed God’s will.


Let us always lean on God and humbly walk with Him in love.



Almighty and eternal Father , we worship and praise you, for your mercy and justice. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and enlighten our minds, to read carefully and understand the Holy Scriptures, so that we may discern your loving will and perform them faithfully.

Be pleased Lord God to shower all your choicest blessings upon us as we trust in your word ‘that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name

you will grant us without fail’.

We promise to act in faith and claim all your promises.

In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray.  Amen.


Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to others!

October 29, 2009
God so much yearns for our love. He is so much like us in this respect !
Most of the time we also yearn for somebody to truly love us.
How sad we forget that there is one who truly longs to love us. We turn to other sources to satisfy our longing and our life becomes a mess.
How sweet is the love of God !
Let us taste and see how sweet and good God’s love is.


“Naked Before God”


Genesis 2:15 – 3:7 


It is said that when the man and the woman were in the garden that God made,they were both naked and were not ashamed.

The Hebrew word `arowm  for “naked” here simply means bare, nude, without clothing. But later in the story, after the woman and then the man ate of the tree in the middle of

the garden, we hear that . . “.The eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves”.

And the Hebrew word eyrom  here is different. Our translation in English is still the word “naked.” But in Hebrew the word doesn’t simply mean “without clothing.” It means

something more like “spiritually exposed.” which implies a different kind of nakedness associated with shame. Both arowm and eyrom come from the primitive root word meaning to be subtle, shrewd, crafty, prudent, to beware, to take crafty counsel.

In the very first romantic encounter in Biblical history, the man and the woman are naked. They were knowledgeable and shrewd but at the same time they were innocent. They were in fellowship with God.

But when the woman took a bite from the forbidden tree, and after the man took a bite – they suddenly realized that they were naked in more ways than one. Instead of innocence and fellowship with God, they realized that they were filled with fear, guilt and shame. Even after they covered up with fig leaf loincloths, they were still naked before God. God knew

what they had done. God had seen everything.


They failed the test of God. God wanted them to love him more than their desire for the forbidden fruit. They would’nt sacrifice that desire for the love of God. They did not want God to restrict the enjoyment of their full freedom. The test of love is sacrifice.

God,s will should be desired and done above all other things. Jesus Christ performed the will of God and offered the perfect sacrifice. Jesus passed the test of love for us. For Adam and Eve it was the love of the knowledge of good and evil that was more important to them than the love of God.

But God loves us still.


Let us pray:      

Holy and Loving Father,– how much we long to be wholly loved and washed of the past that shames us. May your Spirit wash us now. Cover our sins and surround us with your love and make us once again your loving children.Give us the grace to demonstrate to you that you alone matter to us above every other created thing. We love you with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our strength. Keep us safe and blessed in your love.We pray in the matchless name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.



God Bless and Be Blessed

Smile ! God loves you and blesses you this day and this week

October 29, 2009

How strong are we spiritually ?


Believers in Christ are in various stages of their spiritual growth. While Babes need to frequently drink the milk of the Word (foundational doctrines), those who are more mature in the faith, need to carefully chew on the solid meat (deeper truths)


“and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures,   which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.  


All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,   


that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


(2 Tim. 3:15-17)



 They are fundamental beliefs, such as,


Repentance,  Faith,  Baptism, Healing,  Resurrection,  Final Judgement




This is an intermediate level of Biblical teaching and involves understanding of concepts which are deep and often hidden in parables.


It requires in-depth study and Scripture meditation, for applying Biblical principles to everyday life.




It is an advanced level of Biblical understanding; it is the doctrine of perfection (spiritual maturity ). It comes through deeper understanding of Biblical concepts, personal experience and intense application and discipleship.


It is a deep level of Biblical perception which is obtained through diligent study of the Word and is understood (assimilated) through real-life testings and spiritual battles.

During his earthly ministry Jesus nourished His inner man on a strong meat diet. He studied the Scriptures (Old Testament),  prayed long hours before dawn,  and endured reproach and suffering.


We are all called to be disciples of Christ and to be doers of the Word and not be merely hearers of the Word.


We have to examine where we stand in the spiritual ladder and what is our present diet- whether it is meat or still milk ! Only the strong are able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.



Mt 11:12

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”




What is your spiritual diet ?

October 29, 2009

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Principles for Spiritual Growth




When you do your part, God will meet you at your point of need.


1.      You must want to grow and change.


a.      Be consistent in the areas in your life that need change.


b.      You determine your maturity by your willingness to be obedient.


Don’t lose your uniqueness (1 Corinthians 4:3, AMP).


1.      Be yourself and don’t conform to everybody else and their standard.


a.      Children are always concerned about what people think of them.


b.      There comes a time in your life when you don’t care what people think about you.


c.      It is more important to get affirmation and validation from God than from people.


d.      When Jesus ministered to sinners, people thought He was a sinner Himself.


i.        As a servant of God, you cannot worry about always pleasing men (Galatians 1:10).


e.      Live an honest life, and it will put to silence the criticisms of people (1 Peter 2:15, AMP).


i.        Keep doing what is right.


f.       The children of Israel were intimidated by how they appeared in the eyes of others.


i.        As a result, they were prevented from reaching their destiny.


g.                Conform to the Word, and allow it to shape who you are (1 Corinthians 6:17

 Spiritual Maturity comes only by a humble submission to the Word of God

October 29, 2009

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Principles of Spiritual growth –I   27Oct09


A spiritually mature person does not exhibit childish qualities.


“The good or bad that children do shows what they are like.”  (Prov.20:11)


Spiritually immature behaviour includes,


1.      Speaking and acting out of turn.


2.      Not having  proper self-control.


3.      Being  easily  hurt and frustrated.


4.      A hurt child always  craves a lot of attention.


5.      A child requires a lot of assistance and close supervision.


6.      A child needs constant affirmation.


7.      A child often complains


A spiritually mature person also exhibits certain behaviours.


1.               He or she walks in love .


“Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of {the} law” Rom. 13:10


2.      He or she learns to be quiet (1 Thessalonians. 4:11),

 And is non-interfering in others affairs.


3.      He or she learns not to be easily distracted.


4.      He or she commands the respect of the outside world.


5.      He or she is self-supporting.


6.      He or she learns how to be undisturbed and to keep calm.


7.      He or she learns when to speak, and when not to speak (Ecclesiastes 3:1).


8.      He or she learns not to be governed by emotions and how others treat them.


9.      He or she trusts God, and allows Him to deal with the circumstances in his or her life


Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to help us mature spiritually

Prosperity: A Blessing or a Curse (I)

October 29, 2009

Prosperity: A Blessing or a Curse  (I)

The most powerful spiritual invasion the devil will ever see is a Church that’s aware of the right they have to prosper. Poverty is not God’s creation. It’s part of the curse and designed to destroy. Christians are blessed and empowered to prosper in every area of life, and must renew their mind with the Word of God, and what it says about prosperity.

Christians will never be free to prosper without finding out what the Word says about prosperity.

“And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.” Gen.1:28

1.      Without referring to the Word, Christians will continue to think there’s something wrong with prosperity.

2.      Satan has frightened some people into thinking there’s something evil about money.


a.      Because people in the world have gotten money through evil means, some people think it’s evil.


b.      Money does not belong to Satan; the Earth and the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord.

3.      As Believers we must learn how to access the resources God provides.

  a.      Jesus demonstrated how to access the resources of Heaven when He supernaturally paid His taxes

Being Grateful

October 29, 2009

” We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks; your name is near.

People tell of your wondrous deeds.